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Prayer Enrollment Cards (Set of 3)
Prayer Enrollment Cards (Set of 3)
Prayer Enrollment Cards (Set of 3)
Item#: pec

Product Description

We Will Intercede for Your Loved Ones

These beautiful prayer enrollment cards can be used for the living and deceased. The Sisters will pray for the person or for the repose of the soul of whomever you enroll. Their names will be inscribed in a book placed at the altar in our convent. During The Hour of Mercy, we will intercede for them before our Eucharistic Lord.

We will send you a combination of these cards for free (Divine Mercy or St. Faustina on the cover). To enroll a loved one, simply write their name inside the card and mail it to them directly. Then, return to us the provided slip along with your donation for the enrollment.

The maximum number of prayer enrollment cards that we send is 3 sets (total of 9 individual cards). We will gladly send you more as you use them up.

Card covers: Divine Mercy Image from our Shrine or Saint Faustina.
Inside: Chaplet of Divine Mercy and place to inscribe the name of your loved one.
Back cover: Photo of our sisters praying.